Whilst every cat that stays at Specialcats receives appropriate daily grooming, some cats may need to come here for special work: to sort out matted long or elderly cat’s coats or to remove paint or oil etc.

If you would like a quick look at how you could groom your cat, here is a video of Rosie working through a cat who hates being groomed! (apologies for sideways view!). We are happy to provide bespoke training sessions for you with your cat.

We work without the use of sedatives or anaesthetic. Patience and firm yet gentle handling substitute to enable the work to be done without the attendant risk of anaesthetic, especially where the elderly or infirm are concerned.

New owners of long-coated cats can be advised on grooming care and shown how to groom their cat and can also purchase appropriate tools for that individual from our shop if desired.

We do not provide show preparation just general maintenance but are happy to advise on or teach care of coats.

References can be provided from regular customers and cat breeders.


  • Minimum groom/dematt charge £20
  • Bath and tidy (includes ears, claws, removal of paint/oil etc.): £20.00
  • Dematt £40 hour
  • Claw clip only £10
  • Bath only £30

We groom on Monday/Wednesday/Thursday and some Saturdays.

Please telephone Rosie on 01292 520543 to discuss your requirements.  Payment may be by cash, crossed cheque, or postal order. Cheques should be made payable to ‘Specialcats of Ayr’. If you would like to pay by electonic banking (BACS) please contact us.