Come and see for yourself ~ inspection warmly invited.

PRICES FOR CATTERY BOARDING GUESTS valid until 30th September 2024

    ▪       One occupant: £23 per day

    ▪       Two cats (from same home) sharing: £29 per day

    ▪       Three cats (from same home) sharing family chalet: £35 per day

    ▪       Four cats (from same home) sharing family chalet: £41 per day


Collection service (within 12 mile radius): per trip £15.00

Arrival or departure out of hours with no pre-arrangements £25 per occasion

Extra grooming/de-matting above normal care: £20 per half hour, £20 minimum

Complete worming course for guests (usually with Drontal cat) : per cat £6.00


Bookings are not deemed definite until a non-refundable deposit of £10 per cat per day has been paid.  We reserve the right to release any space for which a deposit has not been paid.

The remaining balance payment is due at the date of collection. We recommend payment by bacs. Details are on booking forms.

In the event of an owner returning before the end of a booked period the full period will be charged.

Deposits are charged to cover costs if cancellations occur. For that reason cancelled bookings can only be refunded at our discretion and if the booking period is successfully rebooked. Deposits for bookings cancelled at less than six weeks notice (prior to start of stay) will NOT be refunded.

When paying by BACS please include your name, your cat’s name and end date of stay so we can tie payments to bookings. Help us to help you.


Payment may be by cash, crossed cheque, BACS or postal order. Cheques should be made payable to ‘Specialcats of Ayr’. If you would like to pay by electronic banking (BACS) please use 08-92-50/70059609 (to Co-op business account, R. Mapplebeck T/A Specialcats of Ayr) and give your name, cat’s name and end of stay date as reference. Other payment types should be sent, along with a completed booking form per stay to:

Specialcats of Ayr, Weston Cottage, Weston Brae, Annbank, Ayr, KA6 5EY.


Telephone enquiries: 07800 985 564


  • Fees are charged for both the day of arrival and day of departure to allow for essential disinfection and airing time, and for preparation and pre-heating of chalets.
  • Heating, insurance, grooming (coat and claw care) and medication administration are all included. There is no extra charge for prescription or unusual diets but a minimum of 7 days notice is required to allow us to source them please.
  • All cats must have current vaccination certificates for feline enteritis and cat ‘flu (RCP), to the recommendation of their vet. The course should be completed at least ten days before the date of boarding. Please telephone if this is a problem. We understand that there will be special cases such as immune-suppressed cats where the vet may advise against vaccine.
  • In the event of a cat becoming ill whilst in our care, your own vet will be consulted. If it is reasonable to do so, your own vet will be used for any treatment required. Where your vet is more than 30 minutes drive away, we will use our own vet who can liaise with yours for medical history. Subsequent veterinary treatment decisions are best decided between vet and owner so it is advisable you leave a contact number or we must act on the vet’s advice in your place. The cattery insurance covers vet fees except for pre-existing conditions, kittening and vaccinations, up to a £2000 maximum.

We do not have full online booking available, you can download and edit the booking form here. Please feel free to send an enquiry by email or phone 01292 520543.

By booking accommodation at Specialcats you are deemed to have accepted our terms and conditions of service (download below) which covers what you can expect, things like medications and health, cats sharing and our responsibilities to each other. Please do read this.



A deposit of £6 per cat per day is payable at the time of booking with the balance due at the time of collection. In the event of an owner returning before the end of a booked period the full period will be charged. Deposits for bookings cancelled at less than six weeks notice (prior to start of stay) will NOT be refunded. Cancelled bookings can only be refunded at our discretion and if the booking period is successfully rebooked

Useful documents

Please click on the links to open up important and useful documents about Specialcats.

Terms and Conditions 2023

Vet authorisation

Privacy Policy

What to bring

When transporting your cat please ensure he/she is in a secure basket or container or wearing a properly fitting harness. Travel can be stressful for a cat. You can lessen the stress by using pheromone sprays on baskets; by rehearsing the route to us using online mapping and visiting by yourself; visualising to your cat where you are heading, letting your cat know how relaxed and safe he will soon feel.

Book here





If you have any questions about booking at Specialcats please use the form below or phone us on 07800 985 564

bookings query